Tibetan Bowl Certification Class


Tibetan Bowl Certification Class

from $62.50

Tibetan singing bowls are sacred tools that have accompanied prayer, meditation, and healing for many centuries. Sound Healing is an effective and holistic modality that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep sense of peace, well-being for better health.  

Recent research suggests that the influences of certain rhythms, sounds and vibrations can help us resist and recover from a wide variety of ailments. Sound affects the health of the mind and body and soul. Sound can set a mood. 

Some sounds simply make us feel better than others. Whether our conscious minds are paying attention or not, our bodies take their cues from these sounds and rhythms, knowing when to get energized and when to slow down. Sound can also help us reduce stress, create a deep sense of well-being and even promote healing. Learn how to use these sacred sound tools to aid in meditation, cleansing, balancing, and healing the body.

Sound is called resonance, the frequency at which an object naturally vibrates. Each part of our bodies has its own natural resonance, and vibrational medicine is based on the idea that disease is a result of those natural resonances getting out of tune – whether due to stress, illness or environmental factors. Every sound is a vibration.

Every vibration touches each and every cell of our bodies, we do not consciously and subconsciously perceive sound with just our ears, we also perceive with the cells of our body. By adding positive sound it creates instant reduction, eliminating stress and many underlying physical conditions. Sound therapy is effective because it influences our emotional bodies as well as our physical bodies. 

In this class we will cover: History of the Tibetan Bowls ~ Technique for using the bowls to heal ~ Space Clearing ~ Chakra Balancing ~ Proper care and selection of bowls ~ Introduction to other sound tools that are available ~ and so much more…..

This course is 8 hours

Includes manual and hands on training along with certification.

When: Classes are available privately during Serenity Grove Wellness Center LLC business hours and are scheduled to accommodate each other’s schedule. Call 866-528-4355 or email serenitygrovecenter@yahoo.com to schedule a class.  

Where: Serenity Grove Wellness Center is available privately in our home studios or in a center or space you may have available.

Full price is $250

Pay as you go option $62.50

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