Today I found inspiration from two of my card pulls. One card came from my SoulCollage® deck and it was my Inner Queen card. The other came from the oracle deck Enchanted Map Oracle Cards created by Colette Baron-Reid. I chose #36 Commitment in my random pull. With the death of Queen Elizabeth II and her unwavering commitment to country, family, and mankind, I found the two random pulls to be very interesting. I am inspired to tap into my inner Queen and reaffirm my commitment to myself as well as all the important people in my life.

Inner Queen Card: I am the none who is tapping into my inner queen. My gift to you is the ability to reaffirm your commitments with the strength of a Queen.

Commitment Oracle Card: A true commitment is a responsibility of the heart, mind, body, and soul. This is a good time to make one.remember that your partnership with Spirit - and the highest version of your own self - will engage the highest self of another.

Do these cards inspire you? Are you inspired by someone? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

“Inner Queen” SoulCollage® card.

“Commitment” card from the Enchanted Map Oracle deck.
